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Anti-Valentine's Day Party

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from:   Zip Rampy  
location:   437-A Park Avenue SE - Atlanta, Georgia, GA
phone:   770-548-5466
when:   Friday, February 15, 9:00pm

Oh, sweet mercy! It's time to rock your freakin' socks off, people! You know that you secretly despise Valentine's Day...a day set aside by idiots to help them remember to treat their spouse/lover/whatever the way they should be treating them the other 364 days of the damn year! It's nothing but commercial fodder, folks, and you know it! There's no logical reason for this day to actually be celebrated. Therefore, the day after will be a day for rebellion...not a rebellion against love or the idea of love, but against the capitalist bastards who try to make money off of the idea of love. So let's party...but only in a platonic way! BYOB and add anyone you like to the list.


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As of 4-13-02, 1:18am

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You had me at "Anti"... (Yes) 17
 Zip Rampy: (The Organizer) Remember, people: BYOB!
 Ginger Garner: (+ 1 guest) Damn it! YES!
 Emily: guys or the pretty in pink party at karma...damn, okay you won me over.
 Nicole Duffey: (+ 1 guest) I'll be late tho... Jennifer Nettles Band's CD release concert at the Roxy the same night!!!! I've been waiting for this CD for like ever AAAAHHHHH!!!!
 Maxim Eremine: Platonic - Brian's ass? He is there to fuck? Count me in.
 Barbara Tushbant: i live here
 Natalie Stinson: Yeah i am in.
 Brian Sweat: (+ 6 guests) Platonic my ass. I'm there to fuck.
 Jason Pickens: i need luvins....

well, (Maybe) 6
 Allison Burcher: (+ 1 guest) ...i'll try...unless i have a date...even tho zip's my secret lover
 Phil Dido: i can't feel my pants
 Matt Stallworth: barring the spontaneous declaration of love i'm expecting from carmen electra, i will probably be there.
 jason brown: (+ 1 guest) I can bring a date right? or perhaps two? since its valentines and all.

I'm a sellout and a loser! (No) 1
 Elizabeth Vaughn 

Not Yet Replied 13
 Chuck Nalley 
 Elizabeth Rocco 
 Thomas Strickland 
 Chris Collins 
 Yolanda Mallory 
 Scott Hogan 
 Matt Shapiro 
 Jill Melancon 
 Joseph Tanner 
 Jahnese Patterson 
 Roland Chisolm 
 Matt Lewis 

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� Who's for heading to Cici's Pizza the following morning?
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� Will you be bringing your current sweetie to make out with during the party?
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� Should Saddam Hussein be our next target?
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� Who do you think should win the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for a Musical or Comedy?
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� Should I add some more questions?
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� What is the air speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
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� What is your favorite movie of 2001?
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� Do you actually like Valentine's Day but pretend not to just so you can come to my party? HMMM? Tell me, you worthless bastards!!!
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�Please select something to bring
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